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Indie Retro News

Speed Haste: MS-DOS racing game ported to the Amiga
The fun shareware racing game Speed Haste, originally developed by NoriaWorks for MS-DOS, has now been successfully ported to the Amiga by Szilard Biro. The game, which gained great popularity in the 90s, offers classic arcade action with Formula 1 and stock car racing, twelve different vehicles and eight different tracks.

The Amiga port requires powerful hardware and at least a 68040 or 68060 processor with FPU, as well as AGA or a graphics card and 4 MB of Fast RAM. The keyboard, joystick or CD32 pad can be used for control. Due to the game's shareware status, only a few tracks and vehicles are available; registration of the game is no longer possible. Nevertheless, it is worth taking a closer look at the game and giving it a few goes.

In addition to the Amiga port published on Aminet, you need three files (SPEED.CFG, RECORDS. LST, SPEEDH.JCL and CR.JCL) from the DOS version of Speed Haste, which have to be copied into the game directory on the Amiga. (nba)

[News message: 18. Mar. 2025, 18:11] [Comments: 0]
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