Mouse-controlled zombie shooter: New playable demo of "BDTZ"
BDTZ ("Better Dead Than Zed", video) is a mouse-controlled shooter in which the character has to be controlled from a bird's eye view through a zombie-infested maze of streets. Ammunition is scarce and shots attract more zombies (amiga-news.de reported).
The new demo version offers a new intro, improved graphics, a newly introduced female zombie character, new sound effects and minor bug fixes. You can choose from three levels and in order to play it, you need both adf files.
The game is still in development, but two playable demos have already been released in the last two weeks. BDTZ should run on any Amiga with at least one megabyte of RAM. (dr)
[News message: 17. Mar. 2025, 06:05] [Comments: 0]
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