Real-time strategy: First early demo version of "King Arthur's Campaign"
After its train simulator "Trans-Pennine Express" (amiga-news.de reported), 'lifeschool' has started a new project: a real-time strategy game with some "Defender of the Crown" influences. The playing field in "King Arthur's Campaign" can be seen from a bird's eye view, the units are freely movable. The game is set in Roman times.
Basically, the author is interested in the use of arrays in this game: by copying all X and Y coordinates of all units into an array each turn, he wants to be able to quickly check whether units have met. He has now released a first early demo version 0.3 as a hard disc image. (dr)
[News message: 28. Feb. 2025, 06:12] [Comments: 1 - 28. Feb. 2025, 17:53]
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