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Thomas Harte

8-/16-Bit emulator for macOS: Clock Signal v2025-02-26
Thomas Harte's Clock Signal is an emulator for various 8- and 16-bit platforms aiming to be invisible to the user. The idea is to simply start the source medium without configuring the emulator oneself. Clock Signal is available for Mac OS and Unix-compatible systems. Amiga emulation is included as well. Changes:
  • adds nascent Commodore 16/Plus 4 emulation, a work-in-progress;
  • fixes a potential crash at startup for the MSX 2;
  • reduces potential memory leaks for any machine that uses disks;
  • improves the Mac UI with: a modern icon, improved menu wording and closer-to-QuickTime behaviour for showing the in-window machine controls; and
  • experimentally, primarily for the ZX Spectrum and on macOS only, attempts automatically to relaunch media that has been changed by an external program (e.g. if you reassemble software you are developing).

[News message: 28. Feb. 2025, 05:31] [Comments: 0]
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