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AmigaOS 4: VideoVortex - GUI for searching and watching YouTube videos
Video Vortex is a graphical user interface for YT.rexx for searching and viewing YouTube videos. YT.rexx is a script that provides direct video and audio links from YouTube URLs. VideoVortex, on the other hand, saves the user the cumbersome and tedious task of editing various configuration files and offers a clear and easy-to-use user interface that was written with Hollywood and the MUIRoyale plugin.

With the help of the full version of the media player "Emotion" ( reported) the videos can be played directly. Thomas 'TearsOfMe' Kölsch uses the alternative YouTube frontend Invidious for the search. The author has already gained experience in dealing with Hollywood in his previous projects such as AmigaTText or A Little Remember Game.

Even if some users have already installed YT.rexx on their computer, it is recommended to download it (again) when starting VideoVortex for the first time. Emotion should also have already been started once so that an "APPDIR:" entry can be found. (dr)

[News message: 02. Feb. 2025, 06:49] [Comments: 2 - 02. Feb. 2025, 18:50]
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