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Flappy-Bird-clone: Happy Bat 1.2
The skill game "Happy Bat" has been developed by Carlos Zener for testing the high score function of the game development tool REDPILL ( reported). Happy Bat has now been updated to version 1.2, which features new graphics by Jordi Palome and a new music track for the initial level. In addition, executable files have been provided for Amigas with 68000 or 68020+ processors. The game requires a real or emulated Amiga with an AGA chipset.

"Happy Bat" is an adaptation of the game "Flappy Bird". The aim is to make a bat flap its wings by pressing the space bar or the joystick button, thus preventing it from hitting the ground or pillars, and guiding it safely through the level.

Happy Bat is provided both as a LhA archive and in ADF format. It can be downloaded in return for a voluntary donation. (nba)

[News message: 21. Jan. 2025, 14:21] [Comments: 2 - 23. Jan. 2025, 08:56]
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