Steffen Haeuser at A1K.org (ANF)
Financing of a Warp3D driver for the PiStorm32 (PI4/CM4) on IndieGoGo
Steffen Haeuser writes at A1K.org (translated): "Warp3D for PiStorm! Until now, 3D games on Amiga computers with PiStorm were limited to software-only rendering solutions, even though a Pi4/CM4 has a powerful 3D chip (Videocore VI). The aim of this project is to change this. Developer Dennis Boon has offered to create a Warp3D.library for PiStorm systems with Pi4 and Pi CM4 for a fee.
With 3D hardware acceleration, you get higher resolutions, faster FPS and more impressive visuals for 3D gaming on PiStorm-equipped Amiga systems. Additionally, it enables porting of games that require 3D hardware acceleration or games that would be too slow in software-only rendering on a PiStorm Amiga." (snx)
[News message: 19. Jan. 2025, 13:27] [Comments: 0]
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