RTG driver: P96 3.5.0
Press release: The new version 3.5.0 contains driver updates for Trio64 (Cybervision), IMSG300 (Visiona) and ET4000 (Merlin/oMNiBus) cards. In addition, there are three new drivers for Vooodoo Banshee, Voodoo 3 and Voodoo 4/5-based graphics cards. This requires a PCI daughterboard with OpenPCI.library, which is not part of the P96 package, but can be downloaded for free.
V3.5.0 also contains the first driver for the framebuffer mode of Indivision ECS V4. This driver requires a processor with MMU and an installed MMU library. Please note that your Indivision ECS V4 requires an updated FPGA core - this can be found in our Wiki and can be installed with the Indivision Configtool. Screen modes with 256 colors, 15/16-bit (Hi-colour) modes with over 65000 colors, as well as screen dragging of two screens are supported. Automatic panning is also supported for oversized screens. Please note that Indivision ECS V4 does not yet have a blitter, and therefore the speed of this driver is still comparatively low.
All changes are summarized in the wiki article about P96.
Unfortunately, we are still having problems with the store system, so we have not even tried to add the new files to the database. Even if it takes a little longer, we will send the new versions by e-mail - not only on request, but also pro-actively to customers who are in the free update phase. (cg)
[News message: 09. Jan. 2025, 19:02] [Comments: 0]
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