Indie Retro News (website)
Preview video: Danmaku #8 (bullet hell shooter)
"Danmaku" is the Japanese name for the game genre ‘Bullet Hell’, the term is also used as the working title for the shooter originally known as ‘Hyperborea’, which is being developed by Daniel ‘Daytona675x’ Müßener (code), Holger Crome (graphics) and Roland ‘Triace’ Voss (music).
The eighth preview video is intended to illustrate the current status; according to Müßener, the following changes have been made since the last version:
- muzzle flash is now integrated into the player ships, so no hard gaps here anymore. Made it procedurally during loading so that the respective assets can still be easily edited.
- blinking hitbox on player ships (maybe I'll put that a few pixels down)
- new pseudo-ground enemy mode. The spiders at the beginning of the test-level use that mode. Physically such enemies are drawn on playfield 2 (so they can have their own palette without touching PF1), but they don't cast a shadow and the player-sprites appear on top of them, even though stuff on PF2 has the highest priority. Useful for hords of small ground enemies like tanks or so.
- blockable enemy lasers. Those are big growing laser-streaks which can be blocked by using the fat laser weapon mode. Similarities to Dodonpachi Resurrection are purely coincidential ;)
- player-shots vs enemies collision system now supports some flags to adjust the vulnerability to the player's weapons. So e.g. an enemy can be made very vulnerable to the spread-shot and less vulnerable to the fat laser.
- flicker shadows (stable shadows still available in the video options). For two reasons: 1. it gives the gfx artist more freedom regarding the ground palettes because unavoidable brightness "errors" become less noticable. 2. Performance, of course. Most of the time stable shadows aren't a problem, but sometimes they may be. And in such cases I prefer flicker-shadows like in Dodonpachi over cutting down the action.
- The test-boss has 30 colors now, not just 15.
- volumes for all types of sounds adjustable (before it was just the bonus sound volume)
- prepared for 2-channel music by only using channels 2/3 for sfx (unless music is disabled, then all 4 channels are used for sfx). Concrete sfx channel and priority also depend on whether 2 players are active.
- lots of fixes :-)
[News message: 02. Jan. 2025, 00:02] [Comments: 0]
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