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Universal PCI driver system: OpenPCI 11.5
Thomas 'Thor' Richter's universal PCI driver system "OpenPCI" supports without recourse to the software of the respective manufacturer all known PCI solutions for the Amiga. The current version includes the following changes:
  • GetBoardAttrs() and SetBoardAttrs() could loop forever on unknown tags, the end marker for the known tags was incorrect.
  • The PCI BAR register parser did not compute the parity correctly for some boards.
  • Two new tags were added for GetBoardAttr(), namely PRM_PCIMemWindowLow and PRM_PCIMemWindowHigh, which provide the PCI address range available for a device at config time, or the PCI address range a device is mapped into later. These are PCI addresses, not 68K addresses.
  • SetBoardAttr() can now write PRM_MemorySizeX and PRM_MemoryFlagsX at config time to dynamically size PCI devices. This is useful for tools called from within the PCI-Configuration file.
  • Fixed a missing register initialization when unloading tools from LIBS:PCI.
  • Added example source code for an init tool for sizing PCI devices dynamically.
  • Fixed the description of the autoconf vendor IDs in the autodoc file.

[News message: 19. Dec. 2024, 14:55] [Comments: 0]
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