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discord (ANF)

AMOS game with source code: Sybil - Halloween Defender
The game "Sybil: Halloween Defender" (video) is inspired by the classic game Defender. Here you control Sybil, a friendly witch who lives on the edge of the forest and is viewed with suspicion by the inhabitants of the nearby village. But every year on Halloween, when the barrier between the earthly and spirit worlds is at its thinnest and evil creatures emerge from the underworld, Sybil flies out on her enchanted broom with her spell book to keep them at bay.

The game is free and the available source code is intended as a learning aid for budding AMOS Basic Pro programmers to help them write more Amiga games.

Download: Sybil.adf (880 Kb) (snx)

[News message: 08. Dec. 2024, 11:49] [Comments: 2 - 11. Dec. 2024, 06:21]
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