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Web tool: Worms DC Asset Editor
Alexander Groupe's Worms DC Asset Editor is a web-based replacement for the "WormPrefs" tool from Worms: Director's Cut. The tool was inspired by the announced update for Worms DC, which will soon celebrate it's 30th birthday.

The Asset Editor can now do everything that the original WormPrefs could do, including:
  • Import of existing Worms DC assets
  • Export of WRM16 (custom level), MNT (mountains) and DIY (landscape) files
  • Import of level/mountain/landscape images as IFFs
  • Interactive palette adjustments
  • Previews of everything
For his editor, the author first had to reverse engineer and document all custom file formats used in Worms. Talking to, Grupe spoke of a "reverse engineering odyssey" in which his low-level assembler experience was very useful. Three bytes are still "unsolved", otherwise all questions about the file format have been answered - including problems such as "is this the height, only shifted 6 bits to the left?" and "this must be a BLTSIZE specification?". (cg)

[News message: 07. Dec. 2024, 22:08] [Comments: 0]
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