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Universal PCI driver system: OpenPCI 10.3
Thomas 'Thor' Richter's universal PCI driver system “OpenPCI” supports all known PCI solutions for the Amiga without recourse to the software of the respective manufacturer. The current version 10.3 eliminates problems when working with PCI bridges:
  • Bridge configuration was refactored again. Bridge and parent device are now passed already into the constructor of a PCI device, and not only when it is added.
  • Fixed a trashed register in the Mediator board scan.
  • The Mediator scan did not pass the parent device correctly into the device creator, thus giving devices behind bridges wrong bus IDs.
  • For some strange reason, the Mediator does not seem to decode the address bits for selecting a device behind a PCI bridge correctly; it seems to ignore them. Therefore, the Mediator currently supports only a single device behind a bridge.
  • Some bridges take apparently several milliseconds to accept a configuration. Now the library inserts a 50ms delay after having installed the target busses after setting up a PCI bridge.
  • The time delay function was broken and passed in the wrong command to the timer.device.

[News message: 23. Nov. 2024, 00:22] [Comments: 0]
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