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Preview video: Danmaku #6
Daniel 'Daytona675x' Müßener is in the process of continuing a project that was started four years ago and interrupted in the meantime. Now that the complete, new development team is together - graphics: Holger Crome, music: Roland 'Triace' Voss, code: Daniel 'Daytona675x' Müßener - the original name of the game "Hyperborea" ( reported) has been discarded in order to finally decide on a common title. Until then, the Japanese name of the game genre for Bullet Hell, Danmaku, will be used as the working title. Changes to the sixth preview video:
  • new WIP stage 1 background graphics: a preview of Crome's great level 1 artwork!
  • new animated player ships: the original ship asset was bought from Matt and reworked by me to fit the palette restrictions.
  • new explosions: same for the new explosions which have a lot more animation frames now.
  • new spread-shot gfx: there was rightful criticism that it looked a bit too much like an ice-cream cone, so I threw it away and made a new one.
  • new additional animated bonus stars: IMO the bonus stars were a bit too static, so I added a smaller animated variant.
  • bonus star magnetism: it's just a much more satisfying game experience if you collect lots of bonus stars instead of missing most.
  • new sparks on hit: when you hit an enemy there are procedural "sparks" now, for additional feedback and to make it more vivid.
  • animated bullets (not really new but for the first time in a WIP video): it's no real bullet hell game without those famous rotating oval bullets ;)
  • shadows for all floating enemies / player ships: I'm a big SWIV fan, so this was kind of mandatory ;)
  • fresh set of enemy placeholders: no more BS :) The current placeholders' originals have either been bought from Matt or lent from a Dezaemon spritesheet before quickly being tweaked for the engine.
  • title screen placeholder: the name "Hyperborea" is no more. And until we found a new one, I asked some AI to generate a title screen for a classic shmup named "Placeholder" using Japanese for the title... Well, good enough for now (and better don't try to translate it ;) ).
  • player ship / shot coloring configurable in main menu: was so quick and easy to add, so why not!
  • shadows and sparks can be enabled / disabled in main menu: in case somebody doesn't like the eye candy.
  • further really massive bullet code / memory optimizations: the more bullets the better, so...
  • new bullet patterns: still rather simple because it's a WIP demo.

[News message: 04. Nov. 2024, 06:49] [Comments: 0]
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