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AmigaOS 4: AmiUpdate V2.55
AmiUpdate is an update system for AmigaOS 4 and helps to keep system components and applications up to date. There are currently 241 entries in the database. Version 2.55 has now been released with the following changes:
  • Fixed an error in the main list helphint where the date of the update was not shown correctly.
  • Made some changes to the routines that handle the Ignore Manager, and saving the list back to disk. An apparent crash appeared to be located there, although it was unreproducible here.
  • Fixed a memory leak that occurred each time a scan was started.
  • Reworked the "Abort" logic. It is no longer possible to abort the scan, but aborting updating works as originally expected. Whether this fixes the unreproducible crashes or not remains to be seen.
  • Following a successfull login, users were complaining the details were not saved. The call to save the details was commented out. No idea why, or how long it's been like that, but it should work as expected again!
  • Added support for double-clicking items to expand them in the Path Manager.
  • Changed the way the notifications are handled when the preferences change.
  • Prefs_Updates 53.19: Prefs change notifications are now handled differently to suit the new mechanism.

[News message: 17. Oct. 2024, 04:34] [Comments: 0]
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