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AVX instructions: An Amiga fan at Intel?
Advanced Vector Extensions (AVX) are an instruction set extension for x86 processors introduced by Intel. Arnaud Carré's blog article at the title link is specifically about the AVX-512 instruction set published in 2013. The vpternlogd instruction it contains immediately reminded him of the Amiga's Blitter.

A frequently used minterm value for it is 0xE2, because it is suitable for masked 2D sprites: If the middle bit of three bitmaps (here: used for the mask) is set, the output value of the first bitmap is used (here: the sprite); if the middle bit is not set, the output value of the third bitmap is used (here: the background). And - coincidentally or not - in the official Intel documentation for the vpternlogd instruction, interestingly, from the 256 possible values also 0xE2 was chosen as an example. (snx)

[News message: 09. Oct. 2024, 10:44] [Comments: 0]
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