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MorphOS-Storage uploads until 05.10.2024
The following files have been added until 05.10.2024 to MorphOS-Storage:
Pangomonium_2.1.lha       Dependencies/Hollywood    a plugin for Hollywood ...
SDL_2.30.7_Libraries.lha  Dependencies/Library/SDL  All Libraries SDL : SDL...
ScummVM_2.8.1.lha         Games/Adventure           2D Point-and-Click adve...
sdl2-pong_1.1.lha         Games/Misc                Port of sdl2-pong
BreakHack_4.0.3.lha       Games/Role                A casual coffee-break r...
PrBoom-Plus_2.6.66.lha    Games/Shoot3D             PrBoom+ is a version of...
OpenXcom_1.0.lha          Games/Strategy            A free open-source reim...
OpenTTD_14.1.lha          Games/Strategy            A clone of Transport Ty...
OpenRCT2_0.4.14.lha       Games/Strategy            OpenRCT2 is an open-sou...
TinyGL-Update_2024-09-... MorphOS-update            Ninth public MorphOS Ti...
Easy2Install_1.0b58.lha   Network/PackageManager    A package manager to do...
BeeBase_1.1.lha           Office/Database           Programmable relational...

[News message: 06. Oct. 2024, 09:34] [Comments: 0]
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