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Matthew Leaman (Mail)

Amiga Kit: Updates for A600GS
Updates for the A600GS have been released in the last few days. Among other things, AmiStore purchases and downloads can now be displayed directly on the A600GS and downloaded to the work partition or USB sticks (screenshot). A new internal build of YAM 2.10 has also been added (screenshot). Detailed changes:

Version 46.1.840 (03/10/2024):

  • Add default tool of Multiview to ENVARC:SYS icons
  • AK-ILBM datatype replaces the AROS ILBM datatype
  • Add Purchases and Downloads panel to allow downloading of products purchased on AmiStore
  • Refactor update progress reporting to a global method in the application class, to allow easy reuse between classes and access by deeeply nested object methods.
  • Add network download progress reporting using the new framework
  • Add force option behind the scenes to allow skipping the checksum optimisation when updating from the advanced section.
  • System / Programs / AppInstalls archives: Update installer scripts to support above force option
Version 46.1.825 (24/09/2024):

  • Network drawer (added)
  • Yam 2.10 application new build (added)
  • Dopus4: added Download button for retrieving files from the internet
  • SnoopDOS 3.11 (added)
  • Picture Datatype 46.15 (updated)
  • AMISSL 5.17 (updated)
  • DefIcons 46.7 (updated)
  • Version 46.18 (updated)
  • CLI 46.9 (updated)
  • Wget 1.12 (added)
  • MultiView: bug fixed where it was always returning 1. Now returns 0 success and 20 failure
  • AB-Dock: Add YAM icon and separator
  • MUIMaster Library v19.71 (updated)
  • Zune Prefs (added)
  • Add advance section to the updates area, that allows selective updating / reinstalling of the most recent updates. The default method is preferred for more efficient update, but the extra control will allow fixing problems and reinstalling accidentally deleted component updates
  • Under some situations the inserted USB sticks and drives might not appear in AmiBench, now we force a refresh of the USB data before each restart of AmiBench.

[News message: 04. Oct. 2024, 07:00] [Comments: 0]
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