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Aminet uploads until 21.09.2024
The following files have been added until 21.09.2024 to Aminet:
amigassh.lha             comm/net   107K  68k SSH2 for the Amiga
AST_PartyPack24.adf      demo/disk  880K  68k Demopack September 10th 2024
cprshwdwn-tsr.adf        demo/disk  880K  68k OCS-demo Skrolli 2025    demo/intro 20K   68k 10 Amazing Cat Facts
mns-yoo.lha              demo/intro 126K  68k AGA 64K at Satellite 2K
SegTracker.lha           dev/debug  16K   68k A global SegList tracking uti...
Rebuild.lha              dev/gui    183K  68k Amiga Reaction GUI Builder
HWP_SID.lha              dev/hwood  280K  ALL Play SID files with Hollywood
Voodoo.lha               driver/vid 14K   68k Voodoo P96 driver     game/board 425K  x86 GI Memory Game
TheLostPixel_v1.0.lha    game/jump  462K  68k The Lost Pixel
3doc_m68020_v1.0.lha     gfx/3d     2.2M  68k 3D Object Converter for Amiga...
AmiArcadia.lha           misc/emu   7.9M  68k Signetics-based machines emul...
AmiArcadiaMOS.lha        misc/emu   8.2M  MOS Signetics-based machines emul...
AmiArcadia-OS4.lha       misc/emu   8.5M  OS4 Signetics-based machines emul...
Mame106MiniMixBeta3.lha  misc/emu   5.2M  68k MAME 0.106 MiniMix Beta
imp3.lha                 mus/play   54K   68k Do stuff on Amiga!
Prevodnik145.lha         util/conv  205K  68k CZECH texts&catalogs converte...
containerkit.lha         util/libs  20K   68k provides containers + related...
AmigaGPT.lha             util/misc  221K  OS4 App for chatting to ChatGPT        util/misc  25M   68k Versatile Amiga Testprogram
isomount.lha             util/rexx  45K       Mounting ipf,dms,adf,hdf,iso ...
kingcon_deu.lha          util/shell 3K        V1.16 German catalog for KingCon
DrawerGenie.lha          util/wb    242K  68k Toolbar for Workbench Drawers

[News message: 22. Sep. 2024, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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