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Game launcher: X-bEnCh 1.3 (public beta version)
Jim Neray's X-bEnCH is a graphical user interface with up to 640 colors (AGA; 128 on OCS/ECS computers) that can replace the Workbench for starting WHDLoad games and other applications and requires few resources; an integrated command line and the Xpl0rEr file manager are also available.

The hard disk can be searched automatically for WHDLoad games and other executable programs. For the latter, manual start scripts can be created with the internal scripting system "X-bEnCh Scripts". X-bEnCh runs on all Amigas.

Changes in version 1.3 (beta):
    • updated and now fully up to date
    • updated with the Fix Fonts feature added with this release
  • Xinit 4.9
    • If "Fix Fonts" switch is activated, now kick the system custom fonts to preserve X-bEnCh normal design
    • "Fix Fonts" was breaking the Workbench screen fade to black. Fixed
    • User Workbench custom fonts were breaking fonts of X-bEnCh Xsetup panels buttons and XCli font. Fixed
    • "C:Wait" command check removed (Useless since a long time)
    • Spreaded/Shared over networks registration keys check added. These keys are no more actives from now and for the incomings releases
    • Registration keys are now availables from
    • If no reg key was found, after the countdown you were able to leave the "please reg screen" with the left mouse button or the game controler fire button. Now you can also use your keyboard with the "Enter", "Return" or "Space" key
  • Xmenu 3.9
    • Release version updated for the "Debug/log" option
    • Text updated
  • Xlaunch 5.3
    • Free Chip/Fast available displayed was highter than reality. Fixed
    • If listings was edited by hand, too much entry may been displayed. Now fixed. No more simply pickup entry from file until the end of file is reached - No only pickup what is supposed to be pickedup
    • Since the implementation of the new realtype tooltypes scan loop, there was a bug; If there was no .info file for the .slave of a game or if something goes wrong with the content of the .info file, the launcher was ending on a black screen. This is now fixed. If an issue is detected with the info file of a game, the slave is now launched with the default whdload parameters (as set up in Xsetup)
    • Games table may don't have enough rooms in some cases. Fixed
    • If you added more entries to the Favs list than the number of pages initialized for the Favs list at the launcher init, they weren't displayed until you leave and then restart the launcher. Fixed
    • Manual type listings fix : CD (Change directory) was missed. Can cause some troubles with some tools/games/demos/... Fixed
    • Amount of memory displayed was wrong. Fixed
  • XplorEr 2.4
    • Fixed the unit displayed for the free ram available (from KB to Kb)
  • Xcli 2.3
    • Sysinfo cmd updated to 0.7
    • Sysinfo: AGA chipset was in some case detected as ECS 2MB. Fixed
    • Sysinfo cmd updated to 0.6
    • Sysinfo: CPU typo fix from "Mc680x0" to "MC 680x0"
    • Sysinfo: ROM 47 displayed as "3.2" is now displayed as "3.2/3.2.x"
    • Sysinfo: RAM display format unified on 9 characters + "kB"
  • Xsetup 5.4
    • "Fix Fonts" button added to "My Sytem" setup panel. When activated this option will force the X-bEnCh font over the system custom fonts. Usefull only if you have changed the default system font
    • Free Chip/Fast available displayed was highter than reality. Fixed
    • When updating a whdload list, the infofiles scan was locked on 0% even if the scan goes well and finish without any issue. Now fixed
    • In some cases freemem, and other things were blinking a bit when being displayed/updated on screen. Fixed
    • Font used in the interface is now MicroKnight instead of topaz
    • Time/clock was'nt saved correctly when they were set from X-bEnCh setup pannel (My System/Set Clock). Now fixed
    • Pushing "Esc" key when scanning your hard drive now instantly stop the scan
    • Added a message on screen when user break the scan with ESC key
    • Finaly fixed the wrong path scan issue in the scan engine
    • Missed whdload games by the scan engine is now fixed
    • Fast/Full scan mode bugs fix
    • Now in Fast mode, if no slaves are found, the displayed message at the end of the scan suggest you to try the Full scan mode
    • The message "Please enter a path to scan before trying to update!" was displayed when trying to update a manual list type. Fixed
    • If Manual type list was selected the list type was'nt saved. Fixed
    • Now when "Updating" a manual list, check if the listing really exist and count the number of entry; then save it to the launcher prefs
    • When updating a manual list, check if the dir exist and if not, stop the update and display an error message with the problematic entry number
    • Amount of memory displayed was wrong. Fixed
    • Code cleaned (Nearly 20% of old useless code deleted)
    • If something goes wrong with the scan path, the unvalid scan path is now displayed. (Essentially for debug purpose at the moment.)
  • Xexit 1.7
    • If "Fix Fonts" switch is activated, restore the system custom fonts before leaving X-bEnCh
    • User Workbench custom fonts fixed when leaving Xb to Workbench

[News message: 22. Sep. 2024, 07:59] [Comments: 0]
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