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Creating Amiga Reaction GUIs: ReBuild v1.2.0 for AmigaOS 3/4
In mid-November last year, we introduced Darren 'dmcoles' Cole's "ReBuild" in detail, which is intended to make it possible to create graphical user interfaces for ReAction, the evolution of ClassAct (for example EmptyADF). Although ReBuild is not optimised for AmigaOS 4, the designer runs without problems using 68k emulation. Changes of version 1.2.0:
  • fix getfile readonly code not being generated when TRUE
  • use macros setting was not fully applied to all object definitions
  • fix os4 issues with penmap and bitmap gadgets
  • rename 'name' fields to 'label'
  • add identifier field for all gadgets
  • add child labels for gradient slider and palette gadgets
  • add support for checkable/toggle/mutual menu items
  • add 'move into vlayout' and 'move into hlayout' menu options
  • implement reopen function
  • add hint text option to all gadgets
  • rename incorrect window gadget help label
  • set window gadget help to default to true
  • window activate flag defaults to true
  • adding new gadget now inserts after currently selected gadget instead of at the end
  • add menu keyboard shortcuts
  • add undo/redo capability
  • save code preview and preview window positions to project file
  • update project file format to v2
  • add tooltype options for code previews and code preview window position
  • settings saved to envarc:
  • add realtime code preview window
  • set selected item to root layout for new project
  • make main window and code preview window remember their last positions
  • add preview window width + height properties
  • add link to vscroll to text field gadget
  • add link to hscroll and link to vscroll to text editor gadget
  • add link to slider gadget for integer gadget
  • add horizontal scroll flag to texteditor
  • throw an error on startup if neither textfield or texteditor gadgets are present
  • all gadget types now have label property
  • set preview window settings based on window definition
  • re-arrange some gadget settings pages to try to better fit them in 640*256
  • Add an edit button on main window
Michael Bergmann has created a detailed PDF tutorial for the tool, which can be downloaded from GitHub.

Download: Rebuild1.2.0.lha (183 KB) (dr)

[News message: 19. Sep. 2024, 06:32] [Comments: 0]
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