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Howard Price

Reverse Engineering: Aira Force 0.8 for Windows, Linux and macOS
"Aira Force" is a tool for the reverse engineering of Amiga 680x0 software ( reported). It enables the disassembly and examination of binary files (YouTube video of version 0.8).

Thanks to the major update to version 0.8, Aira Force now also functions as a 68000 source level debugger. The 68000 command emulation has also been improved and very simple Amiga hardware emulation (chip, fast and slow RAM and ROM) has been introduced. Complete changelog:
  • Add: Add Pointer dialogue
  • Add: Crash log file AiraForceLog.txt written on internal error
  • Add: Syntax highlighting works with internally generated disassembly
  • Add: Source-level debugging of Amiga load modules
  • Add: Source-level debugging of raw binaries
  • Add: Source Code windows, with basic navigation features and Ctrl+G popup
  • Add: Debug Symbols window
  • Add: Debugger can be used independently of Analyser
  • Add: RAM reset behaviours: Leave, clear, randomise
  • Add: 68000 execption generation and processing
  • Add: 68000 interrupt support (not hooked up to Amiga yet sorry)
  • Add: Load Amiga ROM
  • Add: Amiga ROM overlay (OVL)
  • Add: Fast RAM, Slow RAM and ROM address ranges
  • Add: Very basic Amiga playfield hardware (DIWSTRT/STOP, BPLCON0, BPLxPT, COLORxx)
  • Add: End-of-frame Amiga video image generation
  • Add: Emulator video window displaying end-of-frame generated video image
  • Add: Latest vasm and vlink executables for all platforms
  • Add: "Select config TEXT area" to disassembly window context menu
  • Add: Amiga window link to hardware register docs
  • Improve: Labels can be added at any address
  • Improve: Disassembly export options (lowercase, formatting, export from RAM)
  • Improve: Status window displays binary diff count
  • Improve: Expose ira -compat=b and -compat=i options
  • Improve: Serialise find options
  • Improve: Analyser code region detection
  • Improve: 68000 instruction emulation (passes all 680x0 SingleStepTests)
  • Improve: 68000 emulator fetches directly from memory
  • Improve: Memory window shows all regions
  • Improve: Internal 68000/010 instruction disassembly
  • Improve: CPU Window UI improvements
  • Improve: Find searches source code
  • Improve: Logging of access to unimplemented hardware registers
  • Improve: Inform user when HUNK_OVERLAY encountered (not supported)
  • Fix: Pointers can be defined in data and immediate operands
  • Fix: Slowdown when there are many potential data actions
  • Fix: Disassembly Window scrolling crash
  • Fix: Offset jump tables when relocating ira config
  • Fix: Workaround label name generator crash caused by duplicate ira labels
  • Fix: Instruction Window branch destination calculation bug
  • Fix: Default window docking for windows with dynamic names
  • Fix: Amiga modules are debugged in user mode by default

[News message: 06. Sep. 2024, 06:43] [Comments: 0]
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