DaFreak (forum entry)
Emulator: QEMU 9.1.0 (update)
QEMU is an open-source computer emulator and virtualizer. The emulation of complete computers also makes it possible to run operating systems such as AmigaOS 4 or MorphOS under QEMU that are tailored to a quite specific hardware platform. This support is provided by QEMU developer Zoltan Balaton, who gives information about this on a dedicated website.
Changes in version 9.1 of QEMU seem to not include any refering to the emulation of Amiga systems, though.
Update: (21:20, 03.09.24, dr)
While we reported on the QEMU 9.1.0-rc4 version this morning, the final version 9.1 is now available. As always, a compiled version for Windows 64-bit is provided by Stefan Weil. (snx)
[News message: 04. Sep. 2024, 10:12] [Comments: 0]
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