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Radio Paralax: Impressions of the Retro Area at gamescom 2024
A video compilation of all the exhibitors, slot machines, consoles, retro computers and showcases in the Retro Area in Hall 10.2 at gamescom 2024 in Cologne has been provided by Radio Paralax on YouTube under the title link. The video gives an impression of the total area of several hundred square meters, where well over 200 ready-to-use game consoles, home computers, handhelds and arcade machines from over 50 years of video game history can be played, including well-known home computers and game consoles such as the Amiga, SNES, Megadrive, Nintendo 64, PlayStation etc., as well as various arcade and pinball machines. (nba)

[News message: 02. Sep. 2024, 18:41] [Comments: 0]
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