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Logic game: Untangle V0.5
Grzegorz Kraszewski is in the process of writing the logic game Untangle for the Amiga. The player has a number of dots in front of him, which are connected by lines and cross each other. The aim of the game is to untangle the lines by moving the dots so that no line intersects another.

The developer has set itself the following goals:
  • Game should be system friendly, working in a window on Workbench, using only documented APIs.
  • Minimum system version is 3.0.
  • RTG (graphic cards) should be supported out of the box. Without dedicated code paths and explicit opening of RTG libraries, if possible.
  • Would be nice if it works on MorphOS, AmigaOS 4, AROS using M68k emulation built into these operating systems.
  • Should be comfortably playable on stock A1200, stock A500 is not a Holy Grail, but why not.
The game is being developed on an Amiga 1200 with 68020 @ 28 MHz and 64 MB Fast RAM. It currently has over 100 levels, a highscore list and level selection. (dr)

[News message: 25. Aug. 2024, 09:40] [Comments: 0]
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