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MorphOS-Storage uploads until 24.08.2024
The following files have been added until 24.08.2024 to MorphOS-Storage:
Baphomet_1.0.lha          Ambient/Blankers          Baphomet_1.0.lha
WinAction-GUI_1.0.lha     Ambient/Utilities         A GUI for WinAction com...
CVBasic-0.6.0.lha         Development/Cross         BASIC compiler for Cole...
Amifish_1.0a.lha          Games/Think               Chess program compatibl...
Stockfish-5.lha           Games/Think               Strong UCI chess engine
DeepL_1.0.lha             Misc                      A small tool for online...
Wayfarer_8.11.lha         MorphOS-update            Wayfarer is the latest ...
YouTube-Extractor_3.0.lha Multimedia                YT.rexx is a script for...

[News message: 25. Aug. 2024, 09:14] [Comments: 0]
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