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AmiKit (ANF)

Workbench distribution: New Raspberry Pi installer for AmiKit
Ján Zahurančík's workbench distribution AmiKit now includes a new, Debian-based installer for the Raspberry Pi. It adapts to the actual Raspberry Pi device used, be it model 5, 400 or 4.

Features of the distribution include:
  • Performance: 2500 MIPS and 800 MFLOPS on the Raspberry Pi 5
  • Start: Boots into AmiKit directly
  • Rabbit Hole: All Linux programs (such as modern browsers, playback software or LibreOffice) can be launched and controlled directly from the AmiKit desktop
Subscribers will already find the installer in their inbox. (snx)

[News message: 07. Aug. 2024, 08:44] [Comments: 0]
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