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Blog: The Effect of CRTs on Pixel Art
The Swedish technology nerd and software developer Carl Svensson has published a new article entitled "The Effect of CRTs on Pixel Art" on his website In it, he discusses how CRTs smoothed out the hard edges and block structures of old video game graphics through their blurring and artefacts such as scan lines and colour overlays. Svensson also points out that modern techniques such as anti-aliasing and dithering, which contribute to smoothing and colour blending, enhanced the visual experience on CRTs, which is often misunderstood when pixel art is displayed on modern flat screens. To visualise these effects, Svensson also shows images from games and applications for the Amiga, including Ruff'n'Tumble, Monkey Island, Silkworm and Deluxe Paint IV. (nba)

[News message: 06. Aug. 2024, 10:27] [Comments: 0]
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