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Print/PDF magazine: Amiga Addict, issue 31
Issue 31 of the British magazine "Amiga Addict" is now available at the newsstands in the UK and directly from the publisher The cover story is the Amiga's history with wargames and military titles, from early strategic titles like Gettysburg to more light-hearted affairs like North and South. The magazine also includes reviews of new games (Geo's Quest 3 and Glubble) and tools (Final Writer 7.0), an interview with journalist Matt Bielby (Amiga Power), the story of Immortal Joysticks, a catch up with the Amiga-inspired rock band Fastloaders and lots more. Three downloadable coverdisks feature full versions of Tanks Furry and Bridge Strike.

Amiga Addict is published every six weeks and is available as a single issue or as a subscription, either in printed form or as a PDF document. (nba)

[News message: 30. Jul. 2024, 15:01] [Comments: 0]
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