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Beat'em Up: Demo version of "Metro Siege"
The side-scrolling beat 'em up "Metro Siege" was announced at the end of 2019. Following various status updates and further preview videos, a playable demo version is now available, which contains three playable levels with a choice of two characters (YouTube video). The gameplay and assets in this preview are still a work in progress and will be subject to change until the final release.

Three versions of the game are included in the archive:
  • (1) The ADF version suitable for any 1M Amiga
  • (2) The Hard Drive version suitable for 020+ Amigas with MB of RAM
  • (3) The CD32 version - suitable for CD32 consoles
In addition, the impatient or all those who do not want to start the Amiga or the emulator can now play the demo directly in the browser. (dr)

[News message: 29. Jul. 2024, 20:53] [Comments: 0]
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