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Michael Rupp (ANF)

Javascript: TAWS - The Amiga Workbench Simulation 0.37
TAWS ("The Amiga Workbench Simulation") is a Javascript simulation of the Amiga-Workbench 1.0 - 4.1 FE for Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera and Apple-WebKit-Browser (including Odyssey). Any kind of feedback the author Michael Rupp would very appreciate. His work can be supported by a little donation from inside TAWS or via this link.

Version 0.37 includes the following changes:
  • Tribute to IBrowse 3.0:
    • Simulation of IBrowse 3.0 (albeit in a somewhat stripped down version, yet) by controlling an iFrame.
    • Can also be called from a Shell including an URL parameter.
    • When running an icon that is a link (such as «About TAWS»), you'll be able to choose to open the link with IBrowse or your «real» browser. This is also the case for weblinks called from AmigaGuide documents.
    • Bookmarks are currently (still) fixed.
    • Currently the languages available are German, English, Dutch and French (many thanks to Peter and Claude for translating).
    • Known limitations:
      • Unfortunately it is not possible for the address line to correctly follow the navigation within the iFrame, as the new URL cannot be determined for security reasons.
      • Some websites don't like being embedded in an iFrame an block it (such as
  • Tribute to WhatIFF?:
    • All editions of the grandiose WhatIFF? AmigaGuide magazines are now hosted on the TAWS website and can be read online thanks to the TAWS AmigaGuide interpreter. The WhatIFF drive and its contents are loaded dynamically from the server using PHP scripts. Many thanks to Roald Strauss for the idea and to Timo Paul for the good cooperation.
    • New URL parameter «wbrun» to automatically start a program or open a file or directory when TAWS starts:
    • Optimization of the AmigaGuide interpreter:
      • Implemented dynamic loading of linked files that are not yet known to TAWS because their directories have not yet been loaded from the server (by the PHP server scripts).
      • If a link points to an IFF-ILBM graphic or a music module, the navigation is retained when you click on the link, so that you can also get back to the actual document.
      • Tabs are displayed true to the original, even if they are mixed with spaces.
      • For underlined text, the line is in the color of the text displayed, regardless of whether the notation @{u}@{fg} or @{fg}@{u} is used.
      • Bold text in the Topaz font is displayed true to the original and no longer so «blurry».
      • A little more space added at the bottom of the pages.
    • Optimization of the loading of the dynamic file structure using PHP server scripts:
      • In the Config.php file you can specify whether .info files should be ignored.
      • Added support für URL files. These need to start with «[InternetShortcut]» and contain a line beginning with «URL=...».
      • If drives do not have a snapshot position, they are automatically positioned accordingly on the Workbench on startup.
      • When updating a drawer (i.e. after reloading the content from the server), already open windows of subfolders remain open.
  • MultiView:
    • «Save as...»: The currently displayed file can now be downloaded and saved locally. Graphics (including IFF-ILBM) can be converted to all formats supported by the browser in addition to the original format (mostly PNG, JPEG and WebP, but Safari, for example, can also do GIF and TIFF, but not WebP).
    • HippoPlayer .prg files (playlists) are recognized as text files and can be displayed.
    • All text file extensions defined in Config.js are recognized as text files and can be displayed (new, for example, also .readme files).
    • Recognition of the browser's WebP support optimized, now it's also correctly recognized for Chrome and Opera.
    • In contrast to HippoPlayer, only the music module formats «MOD», «S3M» and «XM» are supported here, all other formats are now correctly treated as unknown file types if you drag'n'drop them into the window.
    • «About...»: If a file with an unknown file type is dragged into the window, the file type «Empty» is displayed here.
    • The optimized mouse wheel behaviour (faster scrolling) for HTML and graphic files is now activated by default, even if this differs from the actual behaviour under AmigaOS.
  • HippoPlayer:
    • HippoPlayer v2.59 Feature:
      • When paused, the paused content is now displayed in the scopes instead of the Hippo graphic shown.
    • HippoPlayer v2.60 Features:
      • The list mode button is now larger for HiRes presets.
      • Support for the alternative type of separator lines that do not look like one.
    • HippoPlayer v2.61 Features:
      • Support for loading M3U playlists
      • Support for empty separator lines in playlists
    • Updated to the latest version of ScriptProcessorPlayer 1.3 by Jürgen Wothke and adapted HippoPlayer and my own backends to use the new API methods.
    • All backends by Jürgen Wothke updated to their latest versions, which now also support the following formats:
      • SNDH
      • Quartet_ST (4Q, 4V)
      • SPU
      • OctaMED Soundstudio (OSS)
    • Support of infotext for the following formats:
      • HVL
      • IT
    • Implementation of a new backend to support MIDI files, based on the WebAudioFontPlayer by Srgy "surikov" Surkv (see Please note that only uncompressed MIDI files are supported.
    • Setting the order of the preferred backend for formats that are supported by UADE, MPT and XMP (default is «UADE, MPT, XMP»)
    • Improved format detection for files in ZIP or LHA archives if they have neither a file post nor prefix by checking the file header.
    • Special case for .sid files implemented, as these can be in either SID or SidMon1 format: First an attempt is made to play them with UADE, if this fails, the SID backend is used.
    • Support for playing local ZIP files that were drag'n'dropped onto HippoPlayer.
    • The default file extension when saving playlists (module programs) is now «.prg».
    • Display of the «Busy Pointer» during exit and loading of the last playlist at startup.
    • If the browser's window is < 520 px wide (mobiles), the main window is automatically maximized.
    • Fixed maximization for OS 3.2 and 4.x. by shift-clicking on the SizeChanger gadget
  • Removed compatibility and browser switches for Internet Explorer, as this browser has been completely replaced by Edge by now.
  • Entering letters in a numeric input field is suppressed and an error flash is triggered.
  • Performance increase for the PayPal-thank-you-surprise by recoding it and using "canvas"
  • URL parameters can now also be passed to index.html and are then passed through to WB.html.
  • LHA icon added
  • AmigaShell on Firefox: prevent «Quick find» when entering «/».
  • Amiga Early Startup Control / Boot Options: Server directories are now listed as drives if the PHP server scripts are activated.
  • Bugfixes:
    • When updating a drawer, containing drawer icons remain in their current position if their windows are open.
    • OS >= 3.0: When starting a program, a «Busy pointer» is no longer shown.
    • Correction of maximization for windows without scrollbars (Shell, HiP, ...)
    • Correction of displaying the submenu symbol » for presets without submenu graphics (bug since v0.36)
    • Chrome iOS: Correction of double-clicking on a ListBox
    • AmigaShell: If no window is returned to the shell when starting a program (e.g. with HippoPlayer), the shell window no longer remains blocked.
    • AmigaShell: Display correct error message when entering a non-existent path including drive name (e.g. «sys:x»)
    • RAmiga-click on a closer gadget now only closes all Workbench windows if invoked on one.

[News message: 25. Jul. 2024, 22:47] [Comments: 0]
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