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Time travel at gamescom 2024: Retro Area invites you to play games and reminisce
There is one thing that cannot be missed at gamescom 2024, which takes place in Cologne from 21 to 25 August 2024: the popular Retro Area! In Hall 10.2, visitors will embark on a nostalgic journey through 50 years of video game history.

Numerous exhibitors will be presenting a large selection of retro consoles, computers and arcade machines. Whether Amiga, C64, Atari, Nintendo or Sega - fans of all eras will get their money's worth here. Visitors can play classics such as Pac-Man, Super Mario or Tetris on many original machines and reminisce about times gone by. Exciting events will take place on the Retro Area stage throughout the day. In addition to retro tournaments and quizzes, there will also be live music from artists from the retro scene.

The Retro Area is a joint project of numerous collectors, clubs, musicians, artists and developers. They all share a passion for retro gaming and want to share this enthusiasm with others.

In addition to the legendary game studios Factor 5 and Kaiko, many other exhibitors have also announced their participation. Some indie developers will be presenting their new games or games in progress, Radio Paralax will be reporting live on site, and there will be a pinball collection to see and experience.

Retro Games Ltd. from England will also be represented at gamescom for the first time, exhibiting their retro hardware A500 Mini, C64 Maxi and much more. BBG Entertainment (including the Boulderdash brand) is also expected to present new products

The book publishers Gameplan, Look Behind You and Microzeit will also be there, as will ex-Commodore UK boss David John Pleasance, who will be talking about his new book project. The two German magazine publishers Retro Gamer and Return will also be there for the first time and again respectively.

A complete list of exhibitors, including the programme, is expected to be published on the gamescom website in the next few days under the title link. (nba)

[News message: 23. Jul. 2024, 14:31] [Comments: 0]
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