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Andreas Magerl (ANF)

Print magazine: "VD aktuell" 04
Press release: Summer fun with the retro gaming illustrated magazine on 64 full-color pages!

It's getting hot outside, time for some cool, easily digestible retro snacks! In the new issue of german VD aktuell, we take an intimate look at the relationship between Indiana Jones and Sophia Hapgood - are they really just colleagues? After a detour to the beach, we then head straight into space and reminisce about retro gaming classics. But we also take a look outside the box and talk about Planet of the Apes and a non-gaming phenomenon of the 1980s and 1990s: video libraries! As always, there's news in the retro news section, plus brief introductions to new games and new hardware. The video program for the Virtual Dimension and Fog Lake Production channels once again gives you a detailed preview of the next three months and our comic "Danger Dennis" enters its second round.

What are you waiting for? Get your hands on it! (cg)

[News message: 13. Jul. 2024, 18:12] [Comments: 0]
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