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Robert Koon (ANF)

Developer's diary: Dune II - The Building of A Remaster
Robert Koon, one of the developers involved in the Amiga conversion of Westwood's strategy classic Dune II, has set himself the goal of developing a remake for the Amiga that largely eliminates the limitations of the original release compared to the DOS original. Koon lists the following disadvantages of the existing Amiga port, among others:
  • the heavily abbreviated intro
  • the lack of an AGA-specific version
  • constant diskette changes
  • cuts to the gameplay and the soundtrack
Every two to three days Koon documents his progress in an entry in his developer diary. This journal will also be published in book form once the work is complete. If you want to support the developer in advance, you can donate one or three euros per month on Patreon and get real-time access to the developer diary.

It is not yet clear whether or in what form the finished game will be distributed. As Koon tells us, the code for his version has been written from scratch, but all assets come from the DOS version and therefore have to be licensed by Westwood. (cg)

[News message: 09. Jul. 2024, 17:00] [Comments: 0]
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