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Point'n Click adventure with photos: Holiday V1.07
Another update has been released for the Point'n Click adventure "Holiday" (video), which fixes various minor bugs:
  • Discovered and fixed a bug with V1.05. If you completed a day after midnight, the day would roll over to the next day, and all mission objectives would not count towards any score. The day would then roll over again, so the next day would start 2 days later (e.g. Day 3). I added a variable for the actual day, as well as the game day, so the computer knowns what day the player is on.
  • Sometimes the music would keep playing after the game was shut down. I made a fix for this in V1.05, but it only fixed a few rooms. The Launch Script how runs BastyPlayer again when you quit the program, therefore always stopping the music.
  • Fixed being able to use items on the peninsula screens without being instantly taken back to Room 1.
  • Added 10 more hidden click boxes to different places in the game, for example, Morgan's Bar, and some on the south beach.
  • Fixed some spelling mistakes introduced with V1.05, such as Petro instead of Pedro. And 'The Day the Temperature'.
  • Changed Fight Check In Desk to Hotel Check In Desk.
  • Updated the version in the title of the game to V1.07

[News message: 09. Jul. 2024, 00:53] [Comments: 0]
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