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Hans Arne J. (E-Mail)

Interview with Rolf-Dieter Klein and Jim Sachs about "Ports of Call"
For their Norwegian website "Spillhistorie" Hans Arne J. ('Retrogamingpappa') and Joachim Froholt have conducted an interview with two fathers of the well-known Amiga game "Ports of Call", namely Rolf-Dieter Klein, one of the two developers alongside Martin Ulrich, and James D. Sachs, known as Jim, who worked alongside Richard E. La Barre as an illustrator.

Based on their answers, an article was created at the title link, which traces the development of this business simulation, which Aegis Interactive Software released in 1987 for the Amiga and only in 1990 for IBM PCs, whereby the Amiga version was graphically and tonally superior, in accordance with the then still rather limited multimedia capabilities of the IBM PCs. (snx)

[News message: 08. Jul. 2024, 08:44] [Comments: 0]
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