Paulee Alex Bow (E-Mail)
Synth-Pop mit Amiga-Beteiligung: "Bleakwave" von Vogue Renege
Amiga musician Paulee Alex Bow has released an EP called "Bleakwave" under the artist name 'Vogue Renege'. The songs can be purchased on Bandcamp, a CD version can be ordered from the author by e-mail.
As Bow tells us, a whole series of Amiga computers (A500+, A1200 and A3000) were used for the production. Trackers are responsible for a large part of the rhythm work, but Amiga-based software synthesizers, real-time effects programs and MIDI software are also used on each track, which together produce a "very special sound" according to the artist.
[News message: 04. Jul. 2024, 14:25] [Comments: 0]
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