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Simon Neumann (ANF)

Game: Gorky 17 for AmigaOS 3.x (68k) released
Press release: We are pleased to announce that we have been appointed by Hyperion Entertainment as distributor of another game, Gorky 17 for AmigaOS 3.x (68k).

Gorky 17 is a horror conspiracy game that combines strategy and RPG elements. The game has a strategic combat system similar to the famous Amiga RPG Ambermoon - or the more recent "Baldur's Gate 3" - and also uses point-and-click adventure elements. The story is also driven forward by voice samples and atmospheric music.

Compared to the AmigaOS 4 version, the videos have a higher resolution and more localizations have been added. The localizations are of course also available for the AmigaOS 4 version. The game has been localized in English, German, French (French only with subtitles), Italian, Spanish, Russian, Polish and Hungarian (via download).

System requirements:
  • PiStorm (Pi3/Pi4/PiCm4) or Vampire V4 or UAE
  • At least 180 MB RAM on loaded Workbench
  • Requires either CybergraphX or Picasso 96 installed and Chunky 640x480 16-bit mode; AGA is not supported
  • AHI required
  • Requires approximately 1 GB of free hard disk or SD card space
  • A gripping story with great characters
  • Deep sci-fi horror atmosphere in an abandoned Polish town
  • Original monster design and a great mix of turn-based combat and adventure elements
The game will be delivered in a bundle with the AmigaOS 4 version. The retail price is 34.95 Euro. The pure AmigaOS 4 version now costs only 29.95 Euro. The game is supplied in the form of the AmigaOS 4 version (DVD case with printed manual) and a USB stick with the installer for the 68k version. (snx)

[News message: 30. Jun. 2024, 21:14] [Comments: 0]
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