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Amiga E Compiler: E-VO 3.8.0
E-VO Amiga E Compiler is a derivative of the original Amiga E compiler written by Wouter van Oortmerssen. It adds many new features, bug fixes and optimisations including object UNIONs, string merging, non word-aligned objects and many more ( reported).

Darren 'dmcoles' Coles has now released version 3.8.0. Changes:
  • Added variable names + types and procedure line numbers to EVAR debug info
  • Made multi-dimensional arrays memory layout more logical (first dimension is most significant)
  • Fix global variable structure generated for library definitions
  • Added object definitions to debug info
  • Update EDBG to parse new EVAR structures
  • Add SRCLINE define (current line number)
  • Add SRCPROC define (current proc name)
  • Added EVO_3_8_0 define
  • Added support for ARRAY OF PTR TO ... in objects
  • Fixed issue where two variables declared with the same initial value did not get set correctly.
Direct download: evo.lha (689 KB) (dr)

[News message: 28. Jun. 2024, 15:58] [Comments: 0]
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