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Worth a read: 42 years of programming - The Amiga
Matthias Wiesmann is a Swiss computer scientist who took part in a programming camp 42 years ago, where he learned to program for the TRS-80. As he writes in his blog, programming languages have changed a lot over time, and the computer world used to be much more diverse back then:

"These days, a lot of concepts in computer science settled on one solution: there is one network stack, one type of filesystem, one low-level programming language, etc. It certainly makes things simpler, but this kind of consensus is also a big risk. What I will do is go over the various devices I interacted and explain how they were weird compared with today’s mental model."

In a previous article in English, Wiesmann took a look at the Commodore 64. Now he has turned his attention to the Amiga under the title link and describes the special features of the system from a personal perspective: chipset, planar graphics, weird graphics modes such as HAM8, interlaced graphics and sound modules. (nba)

[News message: 13. Jun. 2024, 13:39] [Comments: 0]
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