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Open source project: IDE driver lide.device 40.7 (update)
The open source project lide.device provides a new IDE driver for the Amiga, which offers some improvements ( reported). Now version 40.6 was released:
  • SCSI-2 Emulation - Fixes compatibility with ACDPlay, OptyCDPlay, OS 3.9 PlayCD etc
  • Support masterless slave devices
  • Fixup channel detection on Dicke Olga Accelerator
  • Various ATAPI bug fixes and performance improvements
Update: (13:50, 02.06.24, dr)
Version 40.7 has just been released and is strongly recommended for all users of the previous version 40.6. (dr)

[News message: 02. Jun. 2024, 06:34] [Comments: 0]
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