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Thomas Wenzel (ANF)

Audio: Prelude Software Bundle V4.1 now available
The updated software bundle (V4.1) for the Prelude sound card family (and derivatives) includes the prelude.library, the mixer and the MHI driver for the Amiblaster.

The new features at a glance:
  • As soon as any application opens the prelude.library, it automatically loads and sets the saved mixer settings. This means that the mixer does not have to be started each time the system is started, unless you want to mix one of the inputs to the output right at the beginning.
  • The prelude.library now also initialises newer revisions of the MAS3507D (e.g. on newer MPEGit replicas) correctly, so that the playback speed is correct.
  • The included MHI driver for the Amiblaster now also supports the Ultra and the CP/Mini (clockport version).
The Prelude Software Bundle supports the Prelude Z2, Prelude 1200 and Amiblaster Deluxe sound cards as well as the Prelude Z2 extensions MPEGit and Arpeggiator. Under WinUAE, the bundle is compatible with the Prelude Z2 and Prelude 1200 models supported there.

Download: PreludeSoftwareBundleV4.lha (122 KB) (nba)

[News message: 28. May. 2024, 10:37] [Comments: 0]
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