Beat 'em Up: Update of Final Fight Enhanced
In late January, developer 'Prototron' released its improved version of Capcom's Final Fight written in machine language (amiga-news.de reported). Now some small fixes, a new move and a new music track have been added.
An overview of the changes:
- added new music to the elevator stage
- added guy and Maki's "off the wall jump"
- fixed a bug that crashed the game when Belger was killed with a regular punch
- removed some superfluous collision checks from Belger in an attempt to fix the stall bug
- some minor animation fixes, plus checks added to prevent some bugs that didn't halt the player during level transitions
The developer points out that the realisation is explicitly a private, non-commercial project. An ECS or AGA Amiga with 2MB Chip RAM and 512KB Fast RAM is required.
YouTube-Video: Final Fight: Enhanced - Maki (Full Game - Amiga 600 ECS)
Download: Final Fight Enhanced.rar (2,8 MB) (nba)
[News message: 21. May. 2024, 11:24] [Comments: 0]
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