ACube Systems: UBoot 2015.c for Sam460EX, Sam460CR and Sam460LE boards
Press release: Bassano del Grappa, Italy - 18 May 2024
ACube Systems is pleased to announce a new release of the U-Boot firmware for its Sam460 line of motherboards.
New in this version:
- added support for Radeon RX cards
- updated x86 emulator
- fixed USB handling especially for keyboard support
- new boot logo and menu graphics
- added FAT support
- fixed several typos and small graphic mistakes
The updated installation guide describes in detail the usual installation method (ISO image) and alternative methods (TFTP and USB).
You can buy the update from our online shop with the following options:
For customers who bought version 2015.b, the downloadable version is free of charge. Please contact us if you are eligible for the free update.
To celebrate the new UBoot update we also lowered the price of Radeon RX550 in our shop, both the bundle version and the stand-alone version.
Please note: UBoot and UBoot updater make use of GPL code and thus are both published under GPL (download of the source code). (dr)
[News message: 18. May. 2024, 21:40] [Comments: 0]
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