Video from Amiga 30 event in California: Steve Jobs' fishing trip to Amiga 1983
As part of the Californian Amiga 30th birthday celebrations, Amiga investor and director Bill Hart told the story of Steve Jobs visiting the Amiga developers, who were in need of financial support in 1983. Jobs had money, so Amiga was interested in talking to him.
According to Hart, Jobs came in and made himself at home, putting his feet up on other people's desks as they demonstrated their technology. But it was a fishing expedition. On the way out, Jobs said, "I don't see anything here that would ever be a threat to the Macintosh."
Bill Hart's remarks from 2015 were already published on YouTube at the time, but possibly received less attention on this side of the pond due to the local focus on the 30th anniversary celebrations in Neuss. His full talk can be found in another video together with the "Amiga History Panel" there; participants were RJ Mical, Carl Sassenrath, Andy Finkel, Dave Needle, Dale Luck and Ron Nicholson. (snx)
[News message: 01. May. 2024, 08:31] [Comments: 0]
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