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The Guardian: An ironic look back at the Amiga
'The Guardian', a renowned British daily newspaper, published a commentary in English on 26 April 2024 that takes a ironical look at the enduring love for the Amiga, which is classed as technically obsolete. Entitled ‘My Undying Love for the Painfully Uncool Amiga’, the article highlights the quirks and weaknesses of the once revolutionary computer platform.

The article humorously plays with the discrepancy between modern technology and the limited possibilities of the Amiga. It takes a critical, if humorous, look at the technical limitations and cultural idiosyncrasies that make the Amiga a rather uncool choice today, according to author Dominik Diamond. Despite the criticism, a certain affection resonates in the lines - a tribute to the important role the Amiga played in early computer and gaming culture.

For readers who appreciate a sharp-tongued commentary, the article offers an entertaining yet critical look at how and why some technologies stand the test of time - or not.

The full article can be found on The Guardian website at the title link. (nba)

[News message: 30. Apr. 2024, 13:29] [Comments: 0]
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