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AmiKit (ANF)

Workbench distribution: AmiKit for PiStorm using a Wi-Fi driver (alpha version)
Since October 2023, the AmiKit workbench distribution has also been available for the PiStorm and PiStorm-liteaccelerator boards ( reported), which use a Raspberry Pi minicomputer as a processor replacement. Emu68, the Motorola68K emulation developed by Michal Schulz, is also part of the AmiKit package.

Following the recent presentation of the alpha version of the Wi-Fi driver for Emu68k ( reported), there is now also a package with the Wi-Fi driver for AmiKit for PiStorm. Once the content of the package is copied to AmiKit: and the system restarted, a Network Wizard will appear. By selecting the WiFiPi, the Amiga will use the Wi-Fi module on Raspberry Pi itself to connect to the internet.

The alpha version of the driver package can be downloaded from the AmiKit website under the title link. (nba)

[News message: 15. Apr. 2024, 11:15] [Comments: 0]
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