Motorola68k emulation: Status update on the WLAN driver for Emu68
After Michal Schulz had released the first stable version 1.0 of his Motorola68K emulation Emu68 a good week ago (amiga-news.de reported), he is working intensively on a WLAN driver and had made first considerations and tests in a Patreon post.
In yesterday's post under the title link, he now reports that he has made quite a bit of progress with the development: the WLAN driver initialises correctly, scans for available networks and can connect to them. As soon as this happens, you receive data packets (frames) that can now be passed to the network stack.
Michal's next step is to finalise the SANA II driver interface. For the time being he will only connect to a predefined network for testing reasons. Once this is working and he can use the driver with AmigaOS, he will add the wireless features - releasing network scans to AmigaOS, getting signal strength, selecting a wireless network to connect to and so on.
After completing this step, he will either use an available tool or write his own to display the networks on AmigaOS and allow the user to connect. Finally, he will also provide some sort of configuration file to allow the driver to connect to a specific network at startup. As a last step he will then try to implement wireless security protocols like WPA/WPA2/WPA3. (dr)
[News message: 30. Mar. 2024, 10:27] [Comments: 0]
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