tuxcam@yahoo.it (ANF)
PDF-Magazin: REV'n'GE 156 (italienisch/englisch)
The PDF magazine REV'n'GE ("Retro Emulator Vision and Game") is available in both an English translation and as the original Italian version. The REV'n'GE game reviews compare, where available, the conversions of classics between different platforms of the time. An attempt is also made to pick out lesser-known retro games.
The latest issue, focusing on naval simulations, now links directly to YouTube videos with recordings of the game being reviewed: If a corresponding video is available, it can be accessed by clicking on the "Trailer" icon at the top of the page. (cg) (Translation: cg)
[News message: 25. Mar. 2024, 22:07] [Comments: 0]
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