Shaviry: DIY Amiga RGB to VGA adapter and monitor switcher
Shaviry is a new hardware project created by hobby developer Enrique Ferrari Lorenzo. It combines an Amiga video-to-VGA adapter and a monitor switcher, featuring an integrated RGB amplifier to minimise vertical bars and improve display quality. Shaviry is explicitly not a scandoubler, so the connected monitor(s) must support 15 kHz video signals.
The mode of operation of the adapter can be controlled using jumpers: Shaviry thus functions as a pure VGA adapter on Amigas that are not equipped with a graphics card or HDMI-to-VGA adapter, and/or as an automatic input switcher controlled by Switchcontrol via CIA or parallel port or by switch, Arduino or similar via a 5-volt signal. A built-in optocoupler component prevents overvoltage in this process. The switchover with a CRT monitor is immediate, with an LCD monitor it takes a little longer, according to the developer's description.
Tests were carried out by the developer with an AGA Amiga and THS7374 and THS7376 RGB amplifiers. Using the THS7374 with 9.5 Mhz filter bandwidth, the vertical bars are slightly visible, but the image is blurred, according to the developer. The THS7376 produces a sharp image and the bars are almost invisible.
Shavira is currently not offered commercially, but is aimed at the growing do-it-yourself community, i.e. those who are not afraid to wield a soldering iron. The developer Enrique Ferrari Lorenzo provides the PCB data for KiCad and Gerber files on the project page on GitHub under the title link for free download and provides a complete overview of the required components along with extensive image and video material for support. The current revision is REV23012024 from 23 January 2024. A readme about Shaviry is also available in English. (nba)
[News message: 17. Mar. 2024, 16:48] [Comments: 0]
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